Our Current Sunday Worship Schedule

  • 8:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite I  - no choir
  • 9:30am Christian Formation for all (Sunday School)
  • 10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II with St. Cecilia Choir in the Church
  • 10:30am Contemporary Holy Eucharist with Gathering Band in the Great Hall
  • 5:00pm Sundays@5 Informal Holy Eucharist - in the Church with Random Acts Band
  • 5:00pm Paws, Prayers & Praise (2nd Sunday of the month)

For the 10:30am services we have children's chapel, nursery, and followed by coffee hour.

Click HERE for Sunday worship leader schedule!

Worship - The Core of our Christian Life

WORSHIP at Old Donation Church is the center of our common life. Worship has a regular format. First, we offer God our praise and thanksgiving. We hear Scripture and apply it to how it makes sense in our lives. We ask for God's direction and strength. We finish with being spiritually fed with heavenly food and drink (Holy Communion). We come expecting to encounter the living God. We leave with new direction, refreshed and strengthened to go back into the world to be God's arms and legs, knowing God is always with us. 

Services are scheduled to help busy lives and desire to remain faithful to Godly worship. We have four Sunday services, each with a different style, and scheduled to fit your needs. Everyone is welcome from every age and life situation. Three are Sunday mornings. Many especially enjoy the "Sundays@5" casual worship. It is a full Communion service, but "Come as you are" is the always the norm. 

Additionally we offer a Thursday morning service of Eucharist and prayers for healing. At 10:00am, this informal worship has no music, but includes specific individual prayers for each attendee if desired with laying on of hands and anointing. 

Click here for a description of our Sunday worship services: