Christian Formation:
Education for Adults, Youth & Children
These have been our normal Sunday morning formation offerings.
Children's chapel takes place during the 10:30am (in Summer 10:000) worship services. It consists of Bible lessons and age-appropriate learning for pre-K through 5th grade.
Sunday School and Youth classes for Middle School and High School take place at 9:30am before the 10:30am worship services. MS in Coventry Room, HS in Alfriend House.
Adult Forum lessons from the clergy take place in Tucker Hall, at 9:30am directly before the 10:30am services. Grab a cup of coffee and join us!
Tuesday Evenings:
Education for Ministry "EfM" - a four-year bible study program for adults.
Wednesday Evenings: (most weeks except June-July):
Dinner at 6:00pm, Adult Studies from 6:30pm - 7:30pm (Except the first Wednesday of the month).
Thursday Mornings:
Morning healing worship at 10:00am, followed by Bible Study at 11:00am