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New to the Episcopal Church?
If you are checking out churches, or maybe you've visited and want to know more, this page is for you. Old Donation is an Episcopal Church. But there is more to it than that. Check out these short articles and videos. We will continue to add more over time.
You will notice that ODEC (Old Donation Episcopal Church) is a place where regular folks like you are doing their best to be faithful to God. You will discover there is a place for you to be part of a church community. You will find we are people on an adventure walking alongside Jesus the most faithfully we can. We are doing our best to give God our hearts and ask God to guide us in our own healing, and to help heal this world. If you have been drawn to this place, it's quite likely that God is already working in you. If you want to explore that yearning and are looking for a challenge to make a difference in this world, hang on to your hat and jump on board.
Joining Old Donation:
Baptism, Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation
How do I join the church?
The first thing to do: tell us! We have a Parishioner Profile form where you give us contact information and family data. On it, you indicate your wish to be recognized as a member. Then, what is below has significance.
The simple answer is you join by baptism. We become part of Church, joined with Christ, "marked as Christ's own forever." The Episcopal Church recognizes all baptisms done with water with the words, "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Baptism is never repeated because we see it as God's act of adoption in the family, and God never gives up on us.
Many of us are baptized as infants or young children. Confirmation is a mature affirmation of those baptismal vows made for us by parents and godparents. During Confirmation, the bishop prays for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and enable your ministry. It also certifies one to participate in some adult ministry roles.
Often one comes from another branch of Christianity, where they made a previous mature commitment and now want to make The Episcopal Church their home. Reception is the formal means where the bishop accepts the person into TEC.
At any point in our life, we may want to 'come to the altar' and renew our commitment to Christ. We stand before the bishop and Reaffirm our baptismal vows.
Holy Scripture