What's HOT at ODEC NOW

  • Thursday Healing Worship at 10:00am
  • Sundays@5 informal Holy Eucharist music led by "Random Acts"
  • Paws, Prayers & Praise pet-friendly Holy Eucharist every 2nd Sunday at 5:00pm
  • Children's Chapel bible lessons during the 10:30am service
  • Active work on racial justice and reconciliation
  • "Beach Bags" - feeding hungry students at our neighbors, Pembroke Meadows Elementary

Welcome to Old Donation

We've been here for 388 years, so we know what it means to be a living, faithful Christian community. Established in 1637 as the first church in what is now Virginia Beach, Old Donation has survived and thrived through wars, fires, floods and just about any calamity you can imagine. 

Yet here we are in the 21st Century, more vibrant than ever. God's Spirit continues to be our guide and our strength. God's hope keeps us looking forward. God's wisdom enables us to hold on to what is ancient, while always being relevant in today's world.

With about 800 active members, Old Donation Episcopal Church is large enough to have the strength to have a wide range of activities. Three different Sunday worship offerings enable most everyone to encounter God in a way that fits their style. Small groups do bible study, fellowship, and service. More than 20 different service and mission opportunities where you can be part of God's work in the world. 

Even with a larger congregation, our worship style enables you to feel like part of an intentional community of friends... a family who you can know and they can know you. We are many ages, races, and come from all over.

Our commitment to doing God's work includes being part of healing the places where the world is in pain. Our history as a church that participated in the sin of slavery makes the work of racial justice and reconciliation a particular priority. (See tab above for Becoming Beloved Community.)

Old Donation believes it has a responsibility to share our blessings. More than 35 outside community groups and ministries find a home in our spaces.

Worship: the core of faithful life.

Our Sunday Schedule:

  • 8:00am Holy Eucharist
  • 9:30am Christian Formation (Sunday School)
  • 10:30am HE Rite II combined - Great Hall
  • 5:00pm Sundays@5 Informal Eucharist with Random Acts Band in Church
  • 5:00pm Paws, Prayers & Praise - a pet-friendly Holy Eucharist (every 2nd Sunday)

Click HERE for Sunday worship leader schedule.


Monday, Wednesday, Friday at Noon on Facebook Live: A short service of prayers, Holy Scripture, and reflection.

Thursdays at 10:00am Healing Worship in the Church. 

To find these online offerings:

Our Facebook page

Our YouTube Channel

A Church that feels like family.

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Bell Ringer Monthly Newsletter

We are ODEC

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Beautiful Music



What We are All About

Our mission is to make the world be more like Heaven. God's dream, as we see in Holy Scripture, is for a world where people work together peacefully, seeking justice and wholeness. We want to be more like Jesus.

Old Donation is large enough to have something for everyone, yet feels like a comfortable family where you are included, needed, and your gifts can make a difference. We are a community of about 800 friends trying to be God's people.

Our mission statement tells our story:

Old Donation is a Family:

Welcoming all

Growing in God’s love

Joyfully worshipping Jesus Christ

Serving in the power of the Spirit

New to Old Donation,

or new to

The Episcopal Church?

Walking into any new Church can be daunting. Let us assure you that you will be among friends at Old Donation. People tell us that it feels more like "coming home" when they make their first visit. Because our parish continues to grow with new members, you will be sitting with some who've been here for 70 years, and others who just showed up last month. Every church has its own traditions, but we try to make it easy for you to join in and worship, learn, and serve.